Pre-Cconstruction termite management systems and chemical reticulation systems conforming to AS3600.1-2014 and Codemark compliance.
The performance criteria demanded by this standard is for a system or combination of systems to stop concealed entry into a structure by subterranean termites.
The best protection method for new builds or renovations is dependent solely on the construction type and the details within. With the auto plan upload from this site, or plans emailed, we can formulate and advise on the best systems to suit your next build.
With our online portal, uploading or emailing of plans ensures fixed quotations and timelines formulated to ensure confidence for the builder prior to commencement.
PRE-CON delivers accurate advice and on site consultation, a niche service that builders can rely upon.
With up to date workplace health and safety systems documented, extensive professional indemnity and $20 Million public liability insurance, QBCC and QLD Health licensing we have all bases covered.
We utilize a range of code-mark accredited products in the building process to achieve the best protection method for builders for any construction detail.
Advantages of these products include;
- Kordon TMB a termite management system made in Australia by Bayer
- Kordon, primarily a chemically impregnated blanket with a life expectancy of 60 years has a Bayer backed $1 million dollar warranty with new home installations providing peace of mind for builders and home owners alike.
- Termseal membranes can be utilized in new housing and renovations in many details where other systems are not compatible.
- Reticulation systems for reapplying chemical to soil areas where inspection cannot be physically achieved.
- A range of options that can deliver flexibility in use for most building situations.